Wednesday, November 12

Why are we running?

I have been inspired by a friends blog to start working out again. Gee thanks Melinda. So at work I have a gym that I can use, and I have decided to take full advantage of my hour lunch and work out. So I have been bringing my lunch and eating it around 12, and then my lunch is usually around 2. I will go change and hop on the "dreadmill" and run for at least 20 minutes then hit some weights for strength training. There is always some kind of movie on that I can put my attention on so I can block out how long I have been running.

The problem is, I started this new routine on Monday, it is now Wednesday and I am so sore. I thought it would be awhile before I got sore. I am fighting to get enough ambition to get my butt back in the gym today and continue on this new road to wellness I have started. Part of this change, means that I am trying to eat healthier, I am not a fish eater. At all. On Sunday I made Halibut for dinner and I forced myself to eat it. I have decided I am going to get over my fish-phobia. So far so good, but my sweet husband now thinks since I tried Halibut, it means that I want to eat shrimp, which I refer to as the cockroach of the sea. Baby steps...

The goal is to have this rockin' bod by January when its time for our cruise to Mexico. I just need to stay motivated!

Well, gotta run....on the treadmill

By the way, Happy Birthday (Yesterday) Mom!! Happy 30th

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